Health & Safety.
Play. Learn. Grow.
To maintain a healthy environment for all the children attending West Dean Pre-school we would ask that your child should not attend if they have been ill in the last 24 hours (48 hours in the case of diarrhoea and vomiting). Please advise Kerry Chapman (01243 811423) of the details of any illnesses as soon as possible, leaving a message if necessary. If your child becomes ill during the pre-school session you will be telephoned with details, so arrangements can be made for your child to be collected.
Please inform staff if your child has had any infectious disease (such as chicken pox or conjunctivitis) or contagious infestation (such as head lice), and ensure that your child only returns when they are no longer contagious. Guidelines setting out the nationally recommended period of time away from Pre-school are available from any member of staff.
West Dean Pre-school has a comprehensive medication policy to ensure the highest standard of safety for your child. Our procedures will be fully explained to you before your child starts at the pre-school, and you will be provided with a copy of the procedure for your reference.
If there are changes at home such as a friend or relative going into hospital, the death of a pet or an accident, please inform the staff. These matters may be discussed in confidence if you wish. If the staff are aware of a particiular situation, it will help them to understand if your child is unsettled. It will also enable us to meet their emotional needs.

Keeping Your Child Safe
When you arrive for each session, you will be required to sign your child in and state who will be collecting them at the end of the session. You should telephone the setting immediately if an emergency arises which alters the collection arrangement for your child. We take this responsibility very seriously and will not allow an undesignated person to collect your child.